Ruhiya Sultana
Assistant Professor

Qualification:   MSc. B.Ed.,

Years of Experience:   11



  1. Presented a paper titled Municipal Solid Waste Generation and the Current Situation of its Management in India-Review, in the International Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference of Environmental Humanities: Relocating the Territories of Nature held on 06 & 07 July 2021.
  2. Presented a paper titled Miracle Tree: An Overview on Multipurpose Properties of Moringa oleifera in the one day Multidisciplinary International e-conference Impact of Environment on Agriculture, Health, Water resources, social life and industrial Development.


  1. Published a paper entitled “Anti-inflammatory Drugs from Marine Microbes”: A Review in the Book Title ‘Handbook of Marine Microbes the Therapeutic Prospective and Applications’ with ISBN: 978-93-5457-895-3 on 4th May 2021.
  2. Co- author of the book, “Invent yourself its Science,’ published with ISBN-978-93-91302-67-2, May 2021.
  3. Published a paper entitled, “Impact of Climate change on Biodiversity in India. Review” in the book “Frontiers in Life Science Volume II (ISBN: 978-81-953600-8-6) in the month of June-July, 2021.
  4. Published a paper entitled “Tinospora – A Miraculous Medicinal plant. Review”

in Multidisciplinary Research,volume-2 , with ISBN: 978-93-90996-57-5 on 30/8/2021.

  1. Published a paper title: Miracle Tree: An Overview on Multipurpose Properties of Moringa oleifera in ’Journal of Research & Development’ A Multidisciplinary International Level referred and Peer reviewed Journal Impact Factor-7.265, ISSN:2230-9578, 20 July-2021, Volume-11, Issue-26, (Page.19).

Online course

  1. Completed NPTEL online certification course on Bioengineering: An Interface with Biology and Medicine (Jan- March 2021).

Extra Activities:  Attended five FDPs, three workshops, one refresher course, attended several national and international seminars and webinars.

  1. Attended FDP on Blended Teaching And Learning on 27-08-2018 to 31/08/2018 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya.
  2. Department of Botany organized National Level Conference on Pure Earth Environment conference in collaboration with Pure Earth Foundation on 16/11/2019.
  3. Attended FDP on Art Of Teaching on 23-09-2019 to 27/09/2019 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya On 15-03-2021 to 28-03-2021.
  4. Attended refresher course on Recent Advances In Understanding Web Of Life
  5. Attended International Faculty Development Prog (Virtual) on Recent Trends in Transforming Life Sciences Focus on Academic and Industry Symbiosis 13th to 18th Sept 2021.
  6. Department of Botany organized national level conference on Pure Earth Environment conference in collaboration with pure earth foundation on 26/11/2021.
  7. Attended FDP on Little Greens Hydroponics conducted by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya in association with Little Greens Pvt Ltd on 220402022 to 09-05-2022.
  8. Attended Gnanajyothi outreach programme for school students of Govt Boys High School, Amberpet, Hyderabad on 12/10/2022.
  9. Attended workshop on PCR and electrophoresis techniques organized by Cytomol Lab on 19/11/2022.
  10. Department of Botany organized national level conference on Pure Earth Environment conference in collaboration with pure earth foundation on 26/11/2022.
  11. Attended FDP on Outcome Based Education on 05-12-2022 to 09-12-2022 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya.