Assistant Professor


  • One day workshop in kitchen chemistry by Royal Society of chemistry in association with Telangana Mahila Vishwavidyalaya (Mar, 2023)
  • Poster presentationon “Millet- Ragi Recipes”in Millet mela conference conducted by Indian Millet Association in Telangana MahilaViswavidyalaya, koti (Nov, 2022)
  • Seminar conducted on future scope in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics by Healthjobs inTagore Auditorium, Osmania University (July, 2022)
  • Presented cooked Low-cost nutritious recipes at Osmania taksh-2022 in UCW campus, koti (Mar, 2022)
  • Field visit to Akshaya Patra Foundation, as part in academics (March, 2022)
  • Poster presentation competition on Product development in“Foods 2022 National virtual conference” at UCW, koti (2022)
  • Miss Nutritionist Competition 2022 by “Sadhana awards” (Jan, 2022)
  • Poster presentation on Endangered animal species in”Kasturba Vanavatika Bio-Awareness program ” (Feb, 2021)
  • Cultural event of “12th National Kungfu Championship opening ceremony”, Gachibowli (Jan, 2019)
  • Swatch Bharath awareness program through NCC (2019)
  • Unnat Bharath Abhiyan surveyin Nagar Kurnool districtthrough NCC (2019)
  • PWD Volunteer for “Telangana Legislative Assembly Elections” (December, 2018)
  • Mother Teresa birth anniversary closing ceremony by ‘Telangana Citizen Council (Aug, 2018)
  • National cultural event representing Telangana dance form at national level hosted in Uttar Pradesh (Jan, 2018)
  • “Digital India week celebration” by ISRO (July, 2015)


  • Trained for corporate communication and business skills under Mr. Austin Stanley Ellis, from Diana training and consultancy services (2021)
  • Trained National Cadet Corps (NCC) (2019-2021)


  • Hosted a Golden Jubilee Lecture Series at Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya in collaboration with Association of Food Scientists and Technologists India (ASFTI), Hyderabad Chapter by the guest speaker Dr. K. Bhaskarachary on the topic “Food Fortification and Supplementation in Human Health” (3rd February 2024)
  • Conducted health camp inUCW campus, under Rotaract club and conducted nutritional assessment and counselling’s to college students, teaching and non- teaching staff (July, 2022)


  • Won “Miss Fresher 2022” from Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University College for Women, February 2022