Participated in a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education” organised bySarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalaya from5thto9thDecember,2022
Participated in “Pure Earth Environment Conferenc-2022” organized by Pure Earth Foundation on 26th November,2022.
Participated in Five Day Online FDP on “Mathematical Modelling” organized by the Department of Mathematics,Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidhyalaya, Hyderabad from 6th to 11th April,2022.
Participated in a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Financial Planning and Mutual Funds” organised bySarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalaya from6thto10thDecember,2021.
Participated in “Pure Earth Environment Conferenc-2022” organized by Pure Earth Foundation on 27th November,2021.
Participated in one week workshop on “JAVA & ANDRIOD International hands on workshop” in association with Brain O Vision Solutions Pvt Ltd from 20th to 25th September, 2021.
Participated in FDP on “Advanced Online Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning” organised by IQAC,Kasturba Gandhi Degree & PG College for Women,Hyderabad on 25th June,2021.
Participated in National Webinar on “Building The Competencies Of Teachers For Blended Learning Environment : A Step By Step Approach” by Prof. K. Srinivas, Head of ICT & Project Management Unit of NIEPA organised by UGC – KGCW on 12th June, 2021.
Participated in a Two Day Faculty Development Program on “Online Course,Design,Development and Delivery” organised by IQAC, Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalayaon 26th and 27th February,2021.
Participated in a Two Day Workshop on “Profress in Life Sciences with Emphasis on Role of micronutrients” organised by Botony Department, Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalayaon 9th and 10th February,2021.
Participated in a International webinar on “Covid-19 a Pandamic of Coronovirus underlying Chemistry from Cause to Cure” organised by Chemistry Department, Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalayaon 15th June,2020.
Participated in a National webinar on “Role of Chemistry in Mitigating COVID-19” organised by Chemistry Department, Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalayaon 13th June,2020.
Participated in an International Webinar on ”Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes” organised by Loyola academy ,Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 10th June, 2020.
Participated in National Online Computer Science Quiz organized by Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree College for Women, Nagarkurnool on 27thMay,2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “Python Automation for Beginners” organized by St. Josph college on 22th May,2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning” organized by Kasturba Gandhi Degree & PG College for Women on 20th May,2020.
Participated an International webinar on “Teaching Through the Pandamic” organized by Sardar Patel College on 18th May,2020.
Participated in a Webinar on “Swayam-e-learning program”organized by Govternment of India KLE JGCC,Hubballion 17th May,2020.
Attended National level Two-day online FDP in ‘Recent Trends in IT’ organized by Loyala Academy from 16th-17th May,2020
Attended 3 days National Bootcamp webinar on “Modern Web Development”organized by Little Flower Degree College From 11th to13th May,2020.
Attended Two-day online Workshop on ‘’Blended Teaching and Learning’’ organized by Sarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalaya from 14th-15th April,2020.
Participated in 3-Day workshop on “Android App Development” from 19th to 21st September, 2019 by IL&FS Skills Development Corporation.
Participated in “Pure Earth Environment Conferenc-2022” organized by Pure Earth Foundation on 16th November,2019.
Participated in a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Art of Teaching” organised bySarojini Naidu Vanita MahaVidyalaya from23rd to27thSeptember,2019.
Participated in 3-Day workshop on “Android App Development” from 23th to 25th October, 2018 by IL&FS Skills Development Corporation.
Participated in a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Blended Teaching and Learning” organised bySarojini Naidu VanitaMahaVidyalaya from27thto31st August,2018.