NAAC Accredited with Grade " A+ " in 4Th Cycle
(Sponsored & Managed jointly by Osmania Graduates’Association and Exhibition Society)
(Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad )
• I have completed M.S office workshopfrom 3rd July 2023 to 10th July 2023 in SNVMVand I have received a merit certificate.
• I have completed one-week online NEP orientation and sensitization program organized by UGC Malviya mission teacher training centre, Osmania University Hyderabad,Telangana from 12/10/2023 to 21/10/2023 and obtained a certificate of grade A.
• I completed DTP course in 2009 and received a certificate.
• Attended a seminar of “Telegu literary congress (TLC)” held onFeb 2024 andreceived a certificate.
• In the occasion of 80th birth anniversary of “Barat Ratan”late Rajeev Gandhiformer prime minister of India, TheNational solidarity Committeeconducted different programs for students and elected me as aJudge and I received a certificate and memento.
• On “TEACHERS DAY” 5th Sep 2024, TheNational solidarity Committee awarded me as aBEST TEACHERS AWARDwith certificate and memento.