G. Sumalatha
Assistant Professor

Qualification:   MSc., B.Ed.,

Years of Experience:07


Papers & Publications: 02

  1. Published a paper entitled “Tinospora – A Miraculous Medicinal plant: A Review”

 in Multidisciplinary Research,volume-2 , with ISBN: 978-93-90996-57-5 on 30/8/2021.

  1. Published a paper title: Miracle Tree: An Overview on Multipurpose Properties of Moringa oleifera in ’Journal of Research & Development’ A Multidisciplinary International Level referred and Peer reviewed Journal Impact Factor-7.265, ISSN:2230-9578, 20 July-2021, Volume-11, Issue-26, (Page.19).


Extra Activities:  Attended three FDPs, three workshops, online training prog, organized e-quiz attended several national and international webinars.

  1. Participated in FDP on Blended Teaching and Learning on 27-08-2018 to 31-08-2018 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya..

  2 .Participated in FDP on Art of Teaching on 23-09-2019 to 27-09-2019 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya, Hyderabad.

  1. Participated in Pure Earth Environment conference on 16/11/2019.
  2. Participated in online training in science lab computational soft ware organized on 8th to 13 th June 2020.
  3. Attended International FDP (Virtual) on Recent Trends in Transforming Life Sciences Focus on Academic and Industry Symbiosis 13th to 18th Sept 2021.
  4. Participated in pedogagy Teaching and tools on E-content development effective teaching on 5th July to 14th July 2021.
  5. Participated in Pure Earth Environment conference on 27/11/2021.
  6. Participated in FDP on Little Greens Hydroponics on 22-04-2022 to 09-05-2022.
  7. Attended FDP on out come based education on 5th to 9th Dec 2022.
  8. Department of Botany organized national level conference on Pure Earth Environment conference in collaboration with Pure Earth Foundation on 26/11/2022.
  9. Participated in FDP on Outcome Based Education on 05-12-2022 to 09-12-2022 organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya.