Dr. P Siva Kameswari
Associate Professor,Head, Department of Sanskrit.

Qualification :M.A,  M.Phil, Ph.D

Experience                          : 19 Years

Email- sivakameswari1995@gmail.com

2018                        : Attended FDP program on Blended teaching and learning

2019  February    :      Awarded Ph.D Degree

2019 March           : Attended FDP program “Art of Teaching”

2020 June               :     AMS College Paper setting and Valuation

2021 February       :   Attended 2-day faculty development program conducted by SNVMV                              IQAC

2021 December      : FDP on Financial planning on mutual funds

2022                         : AMS College Paper Setting & paper valuation

2022 March             : : Deficiencies of Online teaching and their remedies organized by SNVMV IQAC

30-07-2023              : Attended  workshop conducted by SNVMV in MS-Office, got certificate

2023                          : St. Joseph College  Paper setting IV th and Vth Sem