Dr. Aarti Simha
Retired Associate Professor &Former Head, Department of French , Vice Principal

Qualification:M.A English and French, PhD.

experience : 34 years

The Best Teacher Award by the Government of Telangana State in September, 2019.
Received the “Woman of the Year 2018” award from Telangana Citizens Council on the occasion of International Women’s Day in March, 2018.
Received the Best Teacher Award from the Red Cross Society, Hyderabad District Chapter in September, 2017.
Member of the Association Internationale des étudesQuébécoises as well as the Association of Indian Teachers of French, Pondicherry.
The President, Central Zone of the Indian Association of Teachers of French.
Attended a three-week workshop on “Langue, Culture et SociétéQuébécoises” from 30th June to 18th July 2008 at University of Laval, Quebec, Canada. She has immensely contributed to the field of education in the French language as Subject Expert and Member, Board of Studies for Osmania University.
Organised several conferences, workshops and FDPs in the French language.
Contributed to the area of research by publishing and presenting papers in various conferences, seminars and international journals.