Presented a paper titled “Union Budget 2021-22 for Sustainable Development in Agriculture” on 22-5-2021 organized by Indian Institute of Management & Commerce stood as 2nd best paper and received a cash prize of Rs. 3,000
Received Mother Teresa Memorial Award Honoured by Telangana Citizen’s Council on 29 Aug 2023.
Seminars attended
Attended a 5-day FDP organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya on the topic Art of Teaching from 23-3-2019 to 27-9-2019
Attended a conference on 16-11-2019 organized by Pure Earth Foundation
Participated in National webinar on National Innovation and Start-Up Policy organized by IQAC RBVRR Women’s College on 20-1-2021
Attended a National webinar on the topic “Union Budget 2021-22 for Sustainable Development” on 22-5-2021 organized by Indian Institute of Management & Commerce and presented a paper titled “Union Budget 2021-22 Towards Sustainable Development in Agriculture and the paper stood as 2nd best paper and a cash prize of Rs. 3,000 was awarded.
Participated in National webinar on NAAC related Quality Enhancement Technique and Proper Documentation organized by IQAC RBVRR Women’s College, sponsored by Hetero Drugs Ltd. on 22-3-2021
Participated in National webinar on Experiences and Emulating Talk with NAAC A+/A++ Colleges organized by IQAC RBVRR Women’s College on 24-8-2021
Attended a conference on 27-11-2021 organized by Pure Earth Foundation
Attended a 5-day FDP organized by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya on the topic Financial Planning and Mutual Funds from 6-12-2021 to 10-12-2021
Participated and received an appreciation letter from Krishna Sindhuri’s Sankalpa – The House of Fine Arts for contributing and encouraging Folk dance on 15-4-2022
Received an appreciation letter in recognition for outstanding role as a State Level Evaluator for Jignasa – Student Study Projects in Commerce for the academic year 2021-22
Attended a conference on 26-11-2022 organized by Pure Earth Foundation
Attended a 5-day FDP organised by Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya on the topic Outcome Based Education from 5-12-2022 to 9-12-2022
Attended a eight day ONLINE NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme from12-10-2023 to 21-10-2023 organized by UGC- Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Program.