Dr.T.V Mahalakshmi
Associate Professor,Head, Department of of Microbiology

Qualification: M.sc, M.Ed
Years of exp: 31 yrs
Email.id: mahalakshmitadi@gmail.com

Member and Membership      

  1. BOS member of Intermediate Board syallabus committee
  2. BOS member of OU- Microbiology Department.
  3. Committee member in Restructured Vocational Curriculum Board of Intermediate – 2000.
  4. Member in Board of Studies – Microbiology, O.U. 2003 – 2005.
  5. Paper setter of Intermediate Voc-MLT
  6. Paper setter of OU,Koti Women’s College, Nizam College, St.Francis , RBVR-Reddy college
  7. Life Member in Indian Science congress association (ISCA)
  8. Member in Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI) 2023
  9. Member in Timetable committee, SNVMV
  10. Member in Institution’s innovation council, SNVMV

National and international Seminars & webinars Attended

  • Participated in Two-day National webinar on information security: challenges & solutions organized by department of computer science and IQAC, St. Joseph’s College for women on 22nd to 23rd June,2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on understanding business Analysis organized by the department of commerce and management, Andhra mahila sabha on 24 th June 2020.
  • Participated in international webinar on Advanced functional materials for biomedical & Energy organized by department of chemistry, Loyola college on 24th and 25th June 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on Role and relevance of Natyashastra in performing arts in modern days organized by department of Sanskrit on 26th June 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on Gender sensitivity through works of literature, organized by the department of English on 26th June 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on basic concepts of analytical chemistry, organized by the department of chemistry on 27 th June 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on cryptography and randomness organized by department of mathematics on 27th June 2020.
  • Participated in International webinar on How to become effective statisticians organized by department of statistics on 29th June 2020.
  • Participated in Webinar on Virtual cookery live demo conducted by the department of clinical Nutrition and dietetics in association with nestle on 29th June 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on significance of social work profession in the context of New social environment organized by department of social work on 1st July 2020
  • Participated in Webinar on How to script a success story for yourself in a competitive world organized by department of English and other foreign languages SRM institute of science and technology, on 3rd July 2020
  • Participated in National webinar on building financial models – An integrated approach.
  • Participated in National webinar on applications of mathematics for engineers organized by the department of science and humanities, Bharat institute of engineering and technology on 4th,5th July 2020.
  • Participated in National webinar on organic synthesis so fascinating organized by the department of chemistry on 6th July.
  • Participated in National webinar on critical thinking organized by Sujatha degree and pg college for women on 10th July 2020
  • Participated in National webinar on therapeutic applications of Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Homeopathy in Covid 19, conducted by the department of botany, Adi Kavi Nannaya University on 09.07.2020 on a virtual platform.
  • Participated in International webinar on impact of Indian culture on the world civilization special reference to Trinidad organized by the government degree college, zaheerabad on 10 th July 2020.
  • Participated in International webinar on Role of Nanotechnology in health management organized by the department of chemistry on 10th July 2020

National and International Conferences Participated:

  1. Participated in National Conference on “Aerobiology” on Feb 27th & 28th 2002, Sponsored by UGC, SERO, Organized by Dept, of Botany, S.N.V.M.V, Hyderabad.
  2. Participated in 46th Annual Conference on “Microbiotech – 2005” Organized by Microbiology Department, O.U, Hyderabad and Association of Microbiologist of India on 8th -10th Dec, 2005.
  3. Participated in Conference on “Microbial Milestones” – held on 24th – 25th Jan, 2008 Organized by Department of Microbiology, O.U, Hyderabad.
  4. Participated in “Modern Trends in Plant Taxonomy & Biodiversity Conservation for Safeguarding Medicinal Plant Wealth” held on 22nd & 23rd Dec, 2008 Organized by Department of Botany, S.N.V.M.V, Hyderabad.

 Paper publications   :  

  1. Paper published in Swamy Botanical Journal –CL 24-87-90 (2007) on “Antimicrobial Activity of Foliar Extract of Achyrathes aspera L”.
  2. Paper publication – “Antimicrobial Activity of Foliar Extract of Catharanthus roseus” S. Padmini, M.Vijaya Lalita & T.V. Maha lakshmi, J. Swamy Bot – CL. 26: 43-46 (2009).
  3. Paper publication –Total phenolic content, flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv.IJBPAS,10(9):453-460,(2022)
  4. Paper publication – Evaluation of in vitro antiacne activity of Pupalia lappacea (L.)Juss. Journal of pharmacentical research international 34(15) 29-34,22 (2022)

 Book publications:

  1. Published book for telugu academy for B.sc IIIyr, BZC students , generic elective for Botany –Industrial microbiology unit I. (2022)

 Workshops & Refresher courses attended

  1. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Gender sensitization” Organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) 0n 28th Feb 2017.
  2. Participated in five days faculty development programme on research trends in image processing organized by Department of electronics and communication engineering, Gates institute of technology on 15th- 19th June 2020.
  3. Participated in 7 days FDP on Environment, economic development and Covid -19 organized by the department of economics, dharmapuram gnanambigai govt.arts college for women from 10/07/2020 to 16/07/2020
  4. Participated in 3 days FDP on recent trends in technology and teaching learning microbiology from 9th to 11th July 2020.
  5. Participated in Seven days FDP on recent trends in management organized by department of management, Gates institute of technology.
  6. Participated in 5 days FDP on ‘Financial planning and Mutual Funds’ organized by IQAC in association with Department of Business Management from 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021.
  7. Participated in 5 days FDP on ‘outcome based education’ organized by IQAC in association with Department of Business Management from 05-12-2022 to 09-12-2022.
  8. Attended 6 days faculty development programme in molecular and cytogenetic techniques organised by department of zoology from Feb 2023 to March 2023
  9. Participated in ‘’Online NEP Orientation & sensitization Programme’’organized by UGC-Malaviya mission teacher training centre, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana from 12.10.2023 to 21.10.2023 and obtained A+ grade.