Associate Professor,Head, Department of Mathematics

Qualification : M.Sc.(Mathematics)

 Experience                  : 34 years

Email- malathi1664@gmail.com

  1. Seminars/ Workshops attended :
  2. Attended five day FDP on blended teaching and learning 27/8/20218  -31/8/2018.
  3. Participated in five day FDP on Art of Teaching 23/9/2019 -27/9/2019.

iii. Attended one  day FDP programme in pure earth environment  held on 16/11/2019

  1. Attended FDP IN Mathematics and Statistics held on 28/11/2020 – 2/12/2020.
  2. Attended National workshop on transformation through NAAC.On 27/11/2021 (1000 Rs)
  3. Attended FDP IN Mathematics for a Better World 21/3/2022 – 26/3/2022.

vii.   Attended FDP on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION 5/12/2022 – 9/12/2022

viii.  Attended awareness in NIRF telangana state (1000 Rs)

  1. Attended one day conference on pure earth environment held on 26/11/2022 (250 Rs)