Dr.Vasundhara Ayyagari
Associate Professor,Head, Department of of Nutrition & Dietetics,


Mail ID  :   vasundharanutri@yahoo.co.in






Post Graduate and Research Centre, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India


October1994- June-1996


Research Associate

Funding Agency

Indian Council for Agricultural Research




Post Graduate and Research Centre, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India


June 1996 – December 1998


Research Associate

Funding Agency

Indian Council for Agricultural Research


“Home based low cost energy, protein rich preparations by using horse gram ”


Post graduate and Research Centre, Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, AP, India.


November 1998 – April 1999.


Research Associate

Funding Agency

ICAR (Indian Council for Agricultural Research)

Papers published


Journal / Book


Acceptability studies of products prepared with Colocasia leaves

Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics

Hypoglycemic effect of Colocasia leaves in Type II Diabetic subjects

E-Book published with LAMBART publications with ISBN- 10  and 13

Effect of red palm oil and grain amaranth on egg production and hatchability

The Journal of Research

One of the Authors for the book published by Directorate of Distance Education, Sikkim Manipal Universityof Health, Medical and Technological Sciences.

Basics of Health and Nutrition

Sensory quality and calcium and iron contents of the products incorporated with a less familiar pseudo cereal- Buck wheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol55(4), October-Decemer2018

Nutritional Status and Disease profile of elderly (>60yrs) living in the home for aged.

IJSR,volume 7, (7), July 2018

Assessment of nutritional status and its impact on the academic performance and psychological behaviour in school going children (10-12yrs)

IJSRVol 8,(5), May 2019

The impact of soft drinks and carbonated beverages on health of 14-23 years old girls

International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods(IJARESM),  Vol  11(8), Aug 2023

Study on milk adulteration, quality testing and awareness of science and non science students on milk adulteration

Journal of Food safety and Hygiene ID No:194

Assessment of nutritional status of the patients undergoing Hemodialysis

The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics



Papers presented ( Oral & Poster)




Acceptability of products prepared with Colocasia leaves

4th International congress on Cardiovascular Diseases and 11th World congress on Clinical Nutrition held during 17th-19th November 2006 at Hotel Renaissance, Powai, Mumbai

Estimation of folic acid content in the developed multigrain cookies

National conference of Indian Dietetic Association

held during 29th Nov- 1st December at National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.


Impact of breakfast on overall performance of school going children (8-12yrs)

47th National conference of NSI -2015 at NIN

Effect of dietary pattern on overall health of women

47th National conference of NSI -2015 at NIN

Evaluation of Nutrient retention in products developed using Drumstick fresh leaves and powder (Moringa oleifera) with different heat processing treatments. (ORAL)

51st Annual National Conference of NSI-7-9th Nov, 2019

Role of Dietary Proteins in analysis of body muscle mass to body fat ratio among adults aged 18-25 years

3rd World Congress on Medical Food and Nutrition -2023, Dubai Virtual Program, on 5th Aug 2023 .


Awards/ recipients/ Academic Achievements:-


  • Author and editor for the Undergraduate books in “Applied and Clinical Nutrition” published by Telugu Academy (in editing stage)


  • Recipient of Research and Development sponsored “Sadhana Award” for professional Excellency on the occasion of Dietetics Day on 10th January  in 1922


  • Current Board member for Nutrition panel Under Board of Studies from 2023-2026.


  • Awarded “Junior Research Fellowship” in 1991


  • Guided more than 400 M.Sc  students  in  the  various Research Project  works  for  the  award  of  Sc degree from 2009 till date


  • Developed laboratory manuals for different subjects for M.Sc (Nutrition and Dietetics) course.


  • Board member in the panel constituted by various colleges affiliated to Osmania University
  • Board member in the panel of examiners for PhD, PG and UG for Telangana, Satavahana University.


  • Moderator for TSPSC examinations held for the state level posts.


  • Invited as guest speaker to various PG Colleges ( affiliated to OU and autonomous)


  • Guest faculty to M.Sc Clinical Nutrition course at NIN affiliated to NTR health University.
  • Guest speaker for Glendale Academy for class 12th and UG students to talk on Therapeutic Nutrition


  Professional Membership

            Professional Society

Member Since

AFST (Association of Food Scientists and Technologists)



IDA (Indian Dietetic Association)


NSI (Nutrition Society of India)









Conferences / Seminars /FDP/ organized/ attended


      * Organized guest lecture on ” Food fortification and supplementation in human  

          health ” by Dr. K. Bhaskarachary, on February 3rd, 2024

  • Invitee for the launch of “Nutri Aid” App organized by NIN on 9th feb 2024
  • Attended guest lecture series organized by PG Departments of SNVMV on 23rd to 29th January 2024.
  • Organized “Nutri – Expo” nutrition awareness exhibition with PG students on the occasion of Dietetics day on 10th January 2024.
  • Attended one day workshop on CCE at PGRRDC,OU,HYD on 22nd December, 2023.
  • Attended two day International seminar, organized by NSI at NIN on 25th, 26th November 2023
  • Organized Guest Lecture on “Diabetes mellitus ” by Dr Raju Padiya, CBoS (Nutrition) OU on 23rd November 2023.
  • Conducted “Nutrition awareness campaign ” in government schools as an outreach program to mark the occasions of National Nutrition Month and World Food Day in thr month of November.
  • Attended conference on World Food Day program organized by CFTRI on 16th October at IICT auditorium
  • Attended a week day workshop on National Education Policy orientation and sensitization program from 12th and 1st October, 2023 organized by UGC.
  • Organized Guest Lecture on “Food Nutrition Security- Contribution from indegenous food systems “- Dr A. Ananthan, Scientist’ E’ NIN on 13th October 2023.
  • Attended a two day (5th and 6th October 2023) workshop on CCE

      *   Conducted One Day Workshop on the occasion of “World Diabetes Day”14th November    

           ’22 . Intercollegiate competitions were held on this occasion.

  • Attended workshop organized by Pure Earth foundation -November 2021and 2022
  • Attended FDP on” Outcome based education”” from 5 to 9 th December 2022
  • Attended FDP on” financial planning and mutual funds” from 6 to 10th December 2021

      *   IDA Annual Conferences (more than 10) held at NIN and was the member in the   

           registration committee and Reporters for different Scientific sessions for Golden Jubilee  

           Celebrations of IDA held at NIN Hyderabad and Pune.

      *   Organized National seminars and monthly workshops conducted by IDA

      *   Attended Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University

           conducted International conference on “Impact of Diseases and Social Issues Affecting    

          Women and Their Amelioration”

      *  Organized/ organizational skills in conducting many National and State level conferences   

          seminars, workshops at the worked/working place.